Thursday 6 April 2017

Evaluation : Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

      Does your magazine use conventions from other          professional magazines that might help attract an audience? Or does your magazine have a USP?

Yes, my magazine uses conventions from other professional magazines that helped attract an audience. For example in my contents page I used a large "R" as a background . I used the large "V" at the background of Vibe's contents page as inspiration .This really helped me with things I could do , to subvert to certain conventions. For my front cover, I used billboard magazine as a basis of it as it gave me ideas on colour schemes. Although, I had a unique selling point which was that each magazine issue will have a section for where the consumers can suggest their favourite albums, and suggest them what songs to listen to. 

Did you choose language techniques, layout design, fonts, colours locations, props, costumes and models and in order to communicate particular ideas to your audience?

As my target audience was ranged from 16-25, I chose colloquial language to make the magazine less formal. The audience will probably be reading it during leisure time, so to give it that comfortable vibe - the colloquial language reinforces its casualness.

The layout design I used was very simple, but I think it was quite effective. My DPS flat plan didn't go as planned as after some trial error I thought the layout I chosen was best suited.
For my contents page I took the images at the Olympic park . I really liked the natural feel it gave so I used that setting. This setting also went with the overall urban feel of my magazine. For instance, the branches at the background of the images compared to my DPS where she is leaning on a wall of bricks.

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