Friday 10 March 2017

DPS Flat Plan

Choosing My DPS Image

Picture 1:

This was a possible image to select when I was choosing my DPS as I liked the gradual increase of light intensity. It subverted the norms of a DPS magazine as the image wasn't front facing and up close. This further emphasised the changing ideas of R&B and also the persona that I was trying to create with my artist. However, as I analysed this image more , I found that due to the image not being a close enough shot, the audience may have lacked a connection with the artist.

Picture 2:

This was my chosen image for my DPS. As my genre was R&B and all about the changing attitudes of it in contemporary society, I decided to use a caucasian as they are usually underrepresented in the genre. The faux fur coat, gives her a chic style . In particular I used bricks as a backdrop because it complimented the R&B genre, with its roughness and new era.