Thursday 17 November 2016

First Sketch of DPS

This sketch shows my first draft of my DPS. The main image is central to the DPS as the artist will be my mai focus , to emphasis her unique fashion style . This will represent a new era of RnB. Anchoring the text which will be about a new era of RnB and how its changing.

On the top left of this DPS , shows the magazine title . this reinforces the  new generation of RnB in today's society. My image will be a 60:40 copy because I want the images to portay a particular message. this should be shown through my article as well as the pictures

Contents Page Analysis

Below is an image of my contents page analysis. I chose Nikki Minaj , as it relates to my chosen Genre which is RnB

RnB Genre Analysis

Thursday 10 November 2016

Audience Mood Board

This is an example of my audience mood board. My target audience's favourite genre of music is R&B and are regular consumers of  R&B music magazines. one of their favourite artists include Usher, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Care. But, often listen to alternative R&B artists such as the Weeknd . 

Friday 14 October 2016

Music Mood Board

Below is my mood board for my RnB music magazine. I have used these images as I think they will be inspirational for my final Music Magazine front cover. In addition, the common thing about all these magazines is that they all have colour themes. They use mainly monochrome colours with bold colours to make it more attractive to the target audience. I also think that all the main images are very powerful and all have powerful meanings and messages to anchor the sell lines.

Music Magazine Analysis

This my first analysis thought there would be a lot to talk about. Vibe is a well known music magazine and NIcki Minaj was the front cover of this edition.


Saturday 8 October 2016

My Final School Magazine

This is a picture of my final school magazine. The main colour scheme is blue and white.These colours make the school magazine stand out 

 Self Assessment:

www: I think overall, I did quite well, however, my final product was not my initial design. In addition , I think that my main image really stood out as it was unique and really helped my magazine stand out from the rest. I enjoyed creating this school magazine front cover as it helped me to play around with different colour schemes and fonts to create a final result.

EBI: Even though my front magazine had lots of good aspects , it also had many improving points that could have made my magazine even better. An example of how I could have improved it was, used a button for my front cover. this would have given it a better look and have more features of a magazine.

Peer Assessment:
www: I like how the front cover image corresponds with some of the sell lines , and how the sell lines are organised around the page. The serviam logo also helps to reinforce the idea of school.

EBI: Maybe use a variety of fonts to add to the overall aesthestic of the front cover.

Friday 7 October 2016

Sketches for Front Cover

Below, I have included my sketch for my front cover and why I chose specific designs

Planning Sheet

This is my planning sheet below of my initial ideas of my School Magazine.

Friday 23 September 2016

School Magazine Analysis

This is my analysis of my school magazine front cover. I completed this task with two of my peers and we helped eachother with the ideas. There was a lot to say about this front cover and I also included some evaluation points too, that could help the magazine improve such as the size of fonts.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Glamour's Front Cover Analysis

This is my first front cover magazine analysis. I used the Glamour magazine as I can write                                            a lot about the particular front cover

Monday 19 September 2016

Introduction to Me





 A little bit  about me .....

Hey Guysss……

Its Nicole here, and this is my blog where you will be coming along with me on my AS Media journey and where I show you just a little insight into my creativeness.

This is me on the left. As you can see I have a theme going on….floral! However, my absolute favourite colour in the word (at the moment) is grey. A lot of people find it quite strange that my favourite colour is such a “dull” colour but that’s what’s so nice about it.


I love Media as a subject as I can express my creativity through magazine front covers and not the conventional writing. I actually create my own IPhone covers on word and I just find formatting really interesting.